Zimbabwe has produced a number of sports names and personalities. The 1980 Olympics and the 2004 Olympics produced gold medals. Football is the most popular sport. But as we all know the Warriors have never qualified for the World Cup Ever!!! As a result of poor administration and lack of funding standards have gone down in sport development.
How do we improve the quality of sport in our country? Data gives a competitive edge in sports. Because splitting every single action of every single sport transforms numbers and statistics which can be analyzed. Clubs and coaches are able to examine athletes results. As a result opponents counter moves are studied. This improves planning of specific training.
Athletes also get to improve characteristics that help win the game. Data is a key driver for success in sports teams and athletes. It is crucial to communicate the insights effectively. Firstly the sports industry is quickly growing. For example the Premier League is using cameras and sensors on the pitch to understand how the players behave on the field.
Secondly integration of new technologies across the world keeps teams one step ahead. For instance high contact sports like rugby are using wearable technology. In other words these lower injuries and increase performance. As a result it is important to embrace the new changes in order to advance in sport.
Likewise Eccensys has a powerful and scalable analytics platform. In addition the platform combines irreplaceable expertise with access to a whole new world of data on every aspect of the game. Our solution helps optimize ticket sales through analytics. On the other hand it brings data-driven strategies. In the same vein for merchandising, food and beverage revenue streams. Lastly there is wider engagement with fans in the stadium and on social media.
In conclusion analytics and big data change how you play sport. It’s allowing teams to improve their performance and can allow for better competition.